Municipality of Skopje
2011 – 2013
Supervision of works under FIDIC Red Book and FIDIC Yellow Book; assistance to the PIU of the Municipality of Skopje
PDF-DownloadAn automated traffic management system (ATMS) and the reconstruction of Privomajska Street, a critical corridor that connects downtown with the south-east part of the city, are subjects for implementation.
For the reconstruction of Privomajska Street the road administration of the Municipality of Skopje will utilise approx. 19,000 t of material for asphalt works and a minor quantity for earthworks and concrete works in different sections, for widening and re-regulation of the traffic flow. The traffic management system is incorporated in the project and also serves approx. 100 intersections in the city related to the main corridor "Privomajska".
Supervision of works; review of existing designs; development and monitoring of the project implementation plan; preparation of the procurement plan; tender documents for the road works under FIDIC Red Book (MDB harmonised edition 2010); system design and functional specifications for the ATMS; tender documents for the ATMS according to WB/EBRD Standard for Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment 2007, FIDIC Yellow Book; preparation of procurement documentation (tender documents, clarifications, evaluation report, contract).
All works under full traffic with local diversions in sections. It is the very first sub-sovereign loan from the EBRD to the Municipality of Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia.
The consortium iC/ATMS