Civil engineering consultant
Current position:
ICPMA International Construction Project Management Association
Key qualifications:
- Project management, planning and execution of international infrastructure projects (industrial plant and power plant construction, railways, road construction, water supply, wastewater disposal, energy supply and communication), building construction and real estate projects.
- Technical advice to international clients and financing institutions (IFIs) on project management, controlling, contract award management and contract guidelines (EU/PRAG, EIB, EBRD, World Bank, CEB, KfW, FIDIC, VOB/DIN, USA/AIA).
- Establishment and management of international project teams and iC companies in Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
Year of Birth:
MSc in civil engineering, branch of study: civil and economic engineering (Vienna University of Technology)
International experience:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Libya, Lithuania, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, USA