Hannes Palmberger

Expert on electrotechnical and mechanical equipment


Consultant in electrical engineering and construction management

Current position:

Associate, Team Lead Smart Infrastructure


  • ÖVE – Austrian Electrotechnical Association
  • IAEE – International Association for Energy Economics
  • AAEE – Austrian Association for Energy Economics

Key qualifications:

  • Project control
  • Project management
  • Coordination of planning
  • Project monitoring
  • Handling of procurement procedures according to the Federal Public Procurement Act (BVergG)
  • Site supervision
  • Claim management and change management
  • Scheduling and progress control
  • Costing and cost control
  • Technical/economic consultancy for engineering projects
  • Final approval of wind power stations
  • Electrotechnical and mechanical equipment in transport

Year of Birth:



  • MSc in energy technology
  • Apprenticeship in communications engineering
  • Switching authorisation for electrical installations in low-voltage and high-voltage networks
  • Various expert seminars and training courses in the fields of electrical engineering, construction management, procurement, billing and project management