30 years of the Architekturzentrum Wien: A journey through contemporary architecture

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The Az W has long been a permanent fixture on the Austrian architecture scene. Since 1993, the architecture museum has stood for the outstanding achievements of Austrian architecture and today plays a decisive role in shaping the discourse.

  • Von links nach rechts: H. Zehentner und M. Querner. Ein Standbild aus dem Gratulationsvideo an das Architekturzentrum Wien.
  • Gruppenbild des Architekturzentrum Wien zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum.

It not only forms a bridge between experts, but also captivates architecture enthusiasts and the general public with its fascinating exhibitions.

Thanks to the Az W, dialogue between experts has been increasing for years. The Architecture Lounge, which was created on its initiative, significantly supports the exchange of knowledge between market-leading companies.

We are proud to be able to support the Az W as part of the Architecture Lounge and to expand our network of architects and engineers.
Congratulations, Az W on your 30th anniversary!