Burgenländische Gebietskrankenkasse
2014 - 2016
Project monitoring, project control
PDF-DownloadProject monitoring and consultancy services to support the client in technical and economic issues in the design and implemenation (project control) of the new building for the headquarters of Burgenländische Gebietskrankenkasse (public healt insurance provider) in Eisenstadt.
The current headquarters of Burgenländische Gebietskrankenkasse have been located on Esterhazyplatz since 1932. Due to changing legal conditions, technical necessities and the requirements to provide facilities that are accessible for disabled persons a new adminstration building is to be erected in Siegfried-Marcus-Strasse. This new building shall house all the necessary organisational, technical and administrative units as well as examination rooms and treatment facilities.
Net useful area: 11,995 m²
Architect: DI Alfred Piniel
Full service general contractor: STRABAG AG
Checks by inspecting authorities and other controlling bodies according to applicable regulations.