Salzburg State Government
Austria | Salzburg
from May 2015 to December 2015
General project, Hydraulic modelling (2D), Design of flood protection measures, Design of river renaturation measures
PDF-DownloadThis project aims to implement the concept of a nature park "Naturpark Salzachauen", as presented by the "Haus der Natur - Nature Museum".
Within the framework of maximum space availability, a significantly larger development space is aimed for in contrast to earlier concepts. The aim of the project is the restoration of a water body condition that conforms to the overall concept
Project length: app. 4 km
Project area: app. 50 ha
MQ = 240 m³/s
HQ100 = 3100 m³/s
The project planning was an interdisciplinary process of hydraulic engineering / morphology and ecology. As a natural flow concept, hydraulic engineering and morphology on the one hand focuses on spatial development and river bed stability, while at the same time planning must take account of use/interests/rights and compensation of hazards.
General Project, Hydraulic Engineering/River Engineering, Solids, Morphology and Water Protection, Planning/project planning; 2D hydraulics, solids and morphology, Cost estimation