
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development




From 15.04.2021 to 15.10.2021


(Pre-)Feasibility Study


Project objectives

Assessment of the applicability of a district heating and cooling system development in Korça, based on renewable energy and/or cogeneration as a heat source.

Project description

Assessment of the following heat generation options: 
- Heat pump utilising heat from the existing waste water treatment facility
- Biogas or other process heat from the existing landfill
- Solar thermal energy with or without seasonal storage
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) cogeneration based on natural gas
- District cooling
- Waste heat from nearby industrial processes
- Any other perspective heat source:
   - Implementation of a completely new district heating network
   - Installation of individual building substations

Project specifics

There is no heating network available. Most buildings are currently heated with electricity, LPG, LFO or wood. The new TAP gas pipeline which passes by will start operation soon and could be used for CHP.


Pre-feasibility study:
- Heat demand assessment
- Design of a completely new network
- Comparison of several heating options based on renewables