Željeznicka Infrastruktura Crne Gore AD – Podgorica (ŽICG)
January 2018 - February 2019
Geological analysis, GIS-analysis, rocfall modelling, slope risk classification, design of slope protection measures
PDF-DownloadSlope risk classification and design of emergency infrastructure rehabilitation measures along the railway line Nikšic-Podgorica
The railway line from Nikšic to Podgorica was first put into operation in 1948 with two major upgrades in 1965 and 2006 to 2012, where the entire line was electrified. Funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), a project was launched aiming to raise the level of safety and reliability of railway traffic on the Nikši? to Podgorica line by drastically reducing the risk of landslides and rock falls which potentially block and seriously damage the track (including the power supply) and could well result in train collisions and loss of lives.
Length of railway track: 56.78 km
Slopes investigated in detail: 239 in 8 sections
The railway line passes a mountainous region with high limestone cliffs, causing a serious rock fall risk. In some parts, the project area is hardly accessible and can only reached either by foot or train.