Underground investigation railway section Mining, Upper Austria


ÖBB Infrastruktur AG




September- December 2021


Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical investigation
Expert statement, consulting to the client

  • ÖBB railway section Mining

Project objectives

On the ÖBB railway track 20701, section Mining, an existing rehabilitation of track 1 is planned. As a basis for the planning, the geological-geotechnical underground conditions in the area of the planned renovations are to be investigated.

Project description

In order to clarify the functional status of the track ballast and to investigate the underground conditions, in particular the geological layer structure, bedding density/consistency of the existing soil and groundwater conditions, trial pits were sunk partly from the track and partly from outside the track and geologically and geotechnically documented. In some areas, tests were also carried out with the dynamic load plate to determine the load-bearing capacity of the subsoil in the trial pits.

Project data

Total length of the remediation section: approx. 7,8 km
Total number of trial pits: 55

Project specifics

Due to the limited availability of track closures, some of the work had to be carried out as scheduled during night shifts.


  • Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical investigation
  • Expert statement, consulting to the client