Wiener Linien GmbH und Co KG
April 2016 to January 2029
Submission design
Tender design
Execution design
Extension of the U2 underground line in the context of Vienna’s largest climate protection and infrastructure project
The extension to Vienna’s U2 underground line involves the construction of five new deep stations consisting of station tubes, connecting tunnels, cross galleries and shafts along the 6-km-long stretch between “Rathaus” station and the new terminal at Matzleinsdorfer Platz. The stations “Reinprechtsdorfer Straße” (Construction Lot U2/19) and “Pilgramgasse” (Construction Lot U2/20) are deep underground stations. At their edges, both construction Lots connect with Construction Lot U2/17 (track tunnels). The shafts for the stations are built using the cut and cover method combined with bored piles. The tracks run in single track tunnels with a separation of 35 m to 45 m (Construction Lots U2/19) and 66 m to 69 m (Construction Lot U2/20). The vertical distance between the ridge of the tunnel and the building foundations is approx. 10 m to 16 m. Settlement compensation is planned in some zones in order to control the settlement of buildings, supply lines and roads.
As a result of the high water level and permeable layers of gravel below the invert in Construction Lot U2/19 it is planned to lower the groundwater by building filtering wells from the surface and from the tunnel.
In Construction Lot U2/20 one station tube passes below the existing U4 underground railway and the channel carrying the Wien River.
Cross section:
Station tubes: approx. 95 m²
Cross galleries: 75 m²
The tunnel will be driven from the station shafts through rigid clay and dense sand and below densely built-up areas.
Geotechnical design, submission design, structural design, execution design, tenders/bases for the calculation of costs