ÖBB-Infrastruktur Aktiengesellschaft
01.01.2018 to 31.08.2022
General planning, including technical planning: statics, building physics, fire protection, seepage systems, GP coordination
PDF-DownloadConstruction of a new training campus for the ÖBB
In recent years, a training campus has been built on the site of the TS plant in St. Pölten, with which the ÖBB Group is centralising all railway-specific, operational and technical training courses at a new, modern location. The new building consists of a main building with seminar rooms, accommodation and catering areas as well as track and training halls.
Total new education campus including accommodation wing 24,656 m² gross floor area, overnight accommodation 11,525 m², seminar and office space 7,090 m² gross floor area, railway-specific rooms 4,702 m² gross floor area, general areas, restaurant and kitchen 3,900 m² gross floor area.
A teaching model hall was built in which 1:1 models, decommissioned wagons and locomotives and parts, brake pressure stands, pre-heating units and points, etc. are housed. In addition to this, a separate hall provides space for simulating evacuations. The main building accommodates driver simulators (locomotive cabs including hydraulic lifting units) and individual simulators. The green areas and sports facilities enable the trainees to relax and take time away from their courses. In the track laying hall the apprentices from the neighbouring apprentices’ hostel learn about laying rails.
iC planned the statics, building physics, fire protection and seepage systems; the consortium partner F+P Architekten was responsible for the architectural planning. The consortium subcontractor TB Freunschlag was responsible for the technical building equipment planning. The GP coordination was the responsibility of iC. The Klima:aktiv certification was also handled by iC.