Vienna University of Technology – Getreidemarkt


Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H




09/2010 - ongoing


Coordination of construction works, site supervision (construction, building services, lab)


  • Site supervision
  • Construction of the last new building
  • Coordination of construction works
  • Building of Vienna University of Technology
  • Plus-Energy-Office tower
  • Comprehensive refurbishment

Project objectives

The Austrian federal government has developed a comprehensive refurbishment programme for Austria’s universities. Under this programme the buildings of the Vienna University of Technology located in the Getreidemarkt area will be completely renovated.

Project data

The refurbishment currently comprises 7 buildings (BB, BD, BZ, BE, BI/BK, BA, BF and outdoor infrastructure).

Project description

The existing buildings are used as laboratories and offices. The refurbishment measures were carried out building by building and therefore in overlapping construction phases as well as general refurbishment, functional adjustments and adaptation measures. In addition to structural work, interior remodelling and building services, thermal refurbishment measures were also undertaken on the respective building shells. The construction costs totalled around EUR 90.0 million.

Project specifics

During the work, the university had to maintain its ongoing operations. Due to the inner-city location and the maintenance of all necessary movement areas, escape routes, fire brigade areas and delivery areas for the university's operations, the construction work was carried out under very confined conditions. The heavy traffic, limited parking options, restricted delivery access and storage areas posed a particular challenge in terms of construction site logistics and necessitated just-in-time fulfilment. There were also special transport operations involving crane erection on public property. Some of the buildings are subject to preservation orders, meaning that the work had to be carried out in cooperation with the Federal Heritage Authority. Buildingsection BA is a plus-energy building with the largest façade-integrated photovoltaic system in Austria.

Services of iC

Construction supervision of building construction, technical building equipment and laboratory including coordination and supervision of construction site logistics and relocations as well as construction site coordination in accordance with BauKG.