Salzburg provincial government
July 2017- July 2022
Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical investigation, Expert statement, consulting to the client, Geotechnical calculations and geotechnical design
PDF-DownloadThe aim of the project is to relieve traffic congestion in the district of Schüttdorf/ Zell am See by means of a new bypass road between the B311 Pinzgauer Straße and the B168 Mittersiller Straße.
The new bypass road was connected to the existing roads by roundabouts. A bridge structure was required to cross the Pinzgau railway without a crossing, which was followed by a ramp in the form of an approximately 100 m long embankment. For geotechnical reasons, this was built in lightweight construction (glass foam granulate). Furthermore, elaborate additional measures for the foundation of the dam were carried out in the form of wooden piles and a geosynthetic-reinforced base layer.
Total length of bypass-road: 1,5 km
Total investment sum of the project: 18,4 Mio €
Glass-foam-granulate-dam: length: approx.. 100 m, height: up to 8 m, volume: 7.500 m³ of glass-foam-granulate
The subsoil in the Zell basin consists of water-saturated, soft and very settlement-sensitive peat and silt soils ("lake clay"), which is why extensive additional geotechnical measures were required for the engineering structures.